So I just got home from a test that I'm pretty sure I failed.
How do I know?
Funny thing is, my college body can't take "no sleep" like my high school body could. I feel like an old man. So I studied all night to take this test in the morning and guess what?! I was practically hallucinating the words right off my test sheet... definitely fell asleep five times during my actual test.
To put it bluntly : This was a @#$$%&$^& of a week . (if ya know what I mean)
I told myself I was going to give myself a prize for surviving this week. I now realize that the prize is sleep. Sleep and sanity. Why sanity? Because I'm insane. But seriously. I feel myself slowly slipping. You know how it starts...
First you're exhausted and annoyed at everyone and everything.
But you let it go and carry on.
UNTIL " the straw the broke the camel's back" happens.
So recently, my life has been anything but perfect. I'm making daily phone calls, setting up meetings, traveling and dealing with my own drama. I try not get too personal on my blog so I'll spare you the details....
but let me just say this: some people just flat-out piss me off.
Take this guy in my SOC class for example .( if you're reading this, hi there!)
He irks me. We are in this group project together and every week he sends me emails that are kinda inconsiderate and kinda rude.
so I read them. And try to bite my tongue.
It's funny how you assume no one is going to participate in the group project before we even start. Funny how you think you're the only hard worker. HAHAHAHAHA cute.
Then this week came around and I realized that I would have to put this project on the back burner. And I just KNEW he would think that I was trying to be a free loader.
I created many questions for a survey (that weren't even used. #rudeanddisrespectful) and put as much input as I could the previous weeks. There was just no way on earth I would be able to fully participate this week.
So I got another email from him today. And I send a quick, POLITE reply.
" we all have our own.. blah blah blah. Please try to participate next time"
I'm not trying to make excuses. I was just explaining my absence recently. Most people care to know why you were gone and not participating like usual.
EXCUSE ME for not doing the entire project myself.
Could this week get any worse?
when you add:
Overanalyzing+ lack of sleep + PMS + family drama + school work + cleaning checks + Sunday school lessons+ inconsiderate people who think they know you .....
you get my crazy side.
And that is a side that my family has probably only seen twice. (MAX) ![](
oOooOOoOOoOO CHIIILLLDDD! you best get OUT of my way!
So I stop crying. Take a deep breathe and pray. I pray for patience . Because man oh man.... was somebody going to die.
I thought about posting a Facebook status. - Deleted it. Phone call?
Angry text? - Don't have his number.
I needed a way to voice my frustrations! So I did what any insane person would do when they're angry;
I emailed him back.
As soon as I pushed "send" I immediately felt horrible.
Mind you, this was a very censored and touched up version than what I had previously written him, so I guess it wasn't THAT bad.
Then I get another email from him.
Oh gosh.
"my previous email was just a suggestion. I didn't mean anything behind it"
I'm not sure if that's an apology or if he even means it, but I'll take what I can get.
Moral of the story is: go to sleep. You are much more sane and functional that way. But in the end, you are who you are. And I guess I may just be a tad crazy. Especially when I have yet to go to bed.
Moral #2: don't blog when you're angry. #eat #pray #love and DON'T message people when you're angry. Watch your favorite Disney movie instead!
Moral #3: don't go bother trying to change yourself for approval. It's WAY more fun to be yourself! But if you really are crazy, Stop reading and go see some help maybe?
But I won't tell you how to run your life.
Peace and Blessins'
P.S. Emperor's New Groove is my favorite. And Chicha is practically me. Tip: watch your favorite Disney movie when you're feeling down. Or jam out to good music . GOOD MUSIC