Thursday, February 20, 2014

Random Thoughts...

Random thoughts? Again?! Sometimes, you just get thinking. I'm not the only one...About life; about yourself. About yourself  IN life.. and about where you were about a year ago.. yuck

I was in my Senior year of high school. Helping teachers prepare to replace me with someone else for next year. Someone would take my place in choir. Someone would take my position in student council. ugghh I remember how much I HATED that!

" The one thing you can consistently count on in life is change. " - somebody smart

Change is everywhere. Like yesterday, I decided that I didn't enjoy watching The Bachelor show anymore. Crazy, I know. But no matter how small or drastic the change; no matter how much we are resisting it, change is there.

I was never the type to accept that things were moving on. Once something is going well, I want it to stay that way. I hate taking risks or even the thought of the "future" because it leads to so much unknown.

You know what I mean? Take my Senior year in high school. Everyone seemed to expect that we all had a plan for college, careers, etc. Honestly, I took some tests, did well in school , but never wanted to apply for college. I guess we get comfortable in the way we are living.... and the fact that life demands you to move forward, kind of pissed me off. But I did it! I picked my dream school. The only school I did not receive a scholarship from. And I struggled.

Everyone seemed to get the hang of transitioning into "the real world" SO well! People left and seemed to be having amazing lives. Why was it so hard to stay afloat? Everyone from home was either getting married, in school , on a mission or becoming famous . ... I'm dead serious. But hey, I guess that's how life works.

Sometimes we struggle. Actually, that's all life really is. Life is full of changes and struggles that force us into making decisions. Those decisions and reactions, in our darkest times, determine the person we want to become. I may have struggled  throughout life, but I guess that means that I'm on a path that will make me into who I want to become. And I'm still trying to find out who that person is.

And that's O.K.

"Life "

But I'm making progress! Change isn't so bad. I just need to learn not to act so surprised when it arrives. .. oh brother...  well at least this isn't another Missionary post. I'm guessing most of you are sick of hearing me obsess over it. Oh well.. suck it up! Haha

Video of the Day

Love always,

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