So this past week ( not earlier this week, but the one previous) was probably the LONGEST week of my life. I mean, I look back, and think it was a month ago but no; it was just a couple days ago!
You must be extremely bored to read about my boring life so I'll try not to make it too boring. haha But it IS long. I'm just letting you know up front.
MONDAY- filled out paperwork like a big girl and got my TB test done without crying! ( ...In the room.I cried on the walk home... let's not be crazy.) I had to return on wed. For her to examine the results. Awesome. Now my arm feels like it's broken. What if I test positive?! .. nah... that would never happen to me.
TUESDAY- backstory : I forgot my test closed early on sat. So I look up my test time and realize that the testing center closed and that I missed my midterm. I'm a genius, I know. Through some miracle, I work out a way to take my test on Tuesday. This day.
So Cassie comes home and we talk about our day and I tell her about my TB test and then I decide to take off my Band-Aid. MY SKIN WAS RED AND PUFFY. I immediately go to the computer and look up tuberculosis and diagnose myself and determine that I am LTERALLY going to die. There is no doubt that it was positive. I take the measurements and it was three times the size of the minimal size for a positive TB diagnosis. I send my farewell letter to my family through Skype and email and say my goodbyes. I wish I was joking.
.....Then I find out that TB is treatable with pills for a YEAR. I didn't have a year. I can't postpone my papers that long.
Then my mom calls. Probably because I told them I was DYING. I'm a mess. I probably just spent 30 minutes sobbing thinking I was going to die. But now I'm going to live and now I can't go on a mission. Man. My mom talks some sense into me and told me I would just need a follow up X-Ray the next day and that everything was going to be fine. The more she talks, the more I wanted to just cry and become a little girl again. So we hang up, I pull myself together, and I go to the shower and pray. *I swear that's where the most inspiration comes to you*
In the midst of all this, I forget about taking the test and text my professor. She is AMAZING and arranges me to take in on Wednesday! Blessings!
WEDNESDAY- I wake up EARLY to go to the nurse since I might die.. NBD... so I get there and roll up my sleeve. Everything is gone. She compares arms but it looks as if my very strong sign of TB had vanished! (she said it was probably cuz I left the Band-Aid on too long. It was snoopy! :) ) She's about to sign the last section of my papers and says: " OOPS! Looks like your doctor back home forgot to do your blood-drop /glucose test. We can do that for you right now." Hahaha this is classic! Yesterday I thought I was going to die and now I might as well because you're going to have to put a NEEDLE in me!
My interview is tonight so I have to have everything taken are of I guess. I do my best to say a prayer of thanks to God for taking care of my TB problem and realize that I need to have more faith. So why not now? But I just have to make sure.... "So you're going to have to take my blood? With a needle?"
and then it happens... those jitters, and instincts to run as far away as I can, hit me. But all that happened was me making a scene with tears. Many of them. I begin to cry in the middle of this tiny room with people staring at me. I know I'm in college.. I just HATE needles.
"are you afraid of needles?" no, lady, I'm just crying uncontrollably in your seat just cuz.
I nod my head and she says some really nice comforting things that I should have listened to.. but I didn't. I started to plan my escape routs.. I know I don't have any serious problems because I'm healthy and I KNOW I can run. I can run FAST. But I don't... I have faith.
So I get that done. (props for not running away... seriously though)
Then I run.. and I mean run.. to go take that test. With the blood test, that appointment took way longer than I thought it would. BUT I made it! Hallelujah! Take the test. Feel pretty confident and walk out. MAN am I emotionally (TB scare) , physically ( I don't run often), and mentally (difficult test) drained.
But wait. There's more! ;) I have my Bishop's interview today! And a mission call opening to attend.
An engaged couple is currently with him so I wait outside quietly and stare at a wall for a good 20 minutes.. my turn!!! I finish the interview get super excited and set up my next one. Sweet! awesome! Exciting! Crap. I have a mission call to go to! ( good thing it's down stairs!)
And boy, do I run. I get there. She already opened it. But I get filled in on the details and it makes me even more excited to serve and join her !! aww! I'm so excited for you Emily! :)
All I want is to sleep. But nooooo I need "go to class" because I have to "physically turn in a paper" , it's a rough draft, so how serious can they take it? I wake up early to write this paper. I turn in this B.S paper and sit through this lab. I typically never go to labs unless I HAVE to. This was one of those times. The lesson was generic and short. Nothing I didn't already know. And everyone thought I was new and any comment I made was apparently funny... then I had Sociology. And there was an in-class write .. ugghhh when can I sleep!
Then I have to get"groceries" because food is a "necessity" . so that was done but I end up staying up late chatting with friends and roommates like I always do... this time we jammed out in the hallways with guitars and sung.. so I go home and try to take off that stupid tape on my arm from my blood test. WHY DO THEY MAKE IT JUST AS PAINFUL TO TAKE OF THE TAPE! Ugh. I hate this. And I have a bruise on my arm. Stupid doctors.
Hallelujah! No class! I get to sleep in! .. then my phone goes off... it's the bishop. Uh oh.
He wants me to give the opening prayer in sacrament meeting. Oh thank goodness! Haha I text back and say of course! Then try to get back to sleep. I can't. Of all the days to be tired, this was my day to finally catch up on sleep. I start to feel really sick, so I cancel all of the birthday parties and plans for that day and just decide to relax. Then I realize I have to plan a Sunday school lesson.
Honestly, I don't remember much apart from Cassie coming to pick up books, and homework.
And I still have to plan a lesson for church tomorrow. I decide to make cookies instead. FOR my class of course. And they turned out awesome! So I red the lesson, look t the time and decide to go to bed . but not without picking out an outfit. There goes an hour. It's now 3am and I decide to fall asleep to a movie.
Slept through two alarms and woke up with and hour to eat. Plan a lesson and get ready for church. Well it's a Christmas miracle because I did it! Lesson went great! everyone loved the cookies. and oh! I have opening prayer. sacrament meeting was beautiful! Probably the best since I've been at BYU. I definitely needed this. Life is great. God is great. I have amazing talented friends !
After that week, I decided that I deserved a medal for surviving. I can barely get through typing this and realized that I left a bunch out but I refuse to go back! Ugh. I hope this week speeds up REAL quick! This past week just seems s long ago and so eventful but it was only this last week. Ugh. Sometimes life moves Soo slow and is filled with annoying times. But I feel SO good to have gotten through it.
So one time I was with my roommate , Cassie, to go to her house for something.... I can't even remember... BUT that's not the point. The point is that there was this guy...
THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAN I HAVE EVER LAID EYES ON in the parking lot. Of course, the car was covered with snow so we (Cassie and I) were scraping ice off, and I saw him start to walk towards us ( I just stared) ...Probably to walk to the Marriott Center. So I didn't think he would come over to talk to us. So I say: " CASSIE!! The MOST ATTRACTIVE guy is waking behind you. HE'S BEAUTIFUL." And then he looked over. I could have died right then and there.
He definitely heard me. So he looked over with his glorious face and said: " How's it going?"
I don't know... I kind of just said that you were beautiful and I might as well just die. I'm not a creeper, I promise!
I don't remember what I actually said or how I got into Cassie's car, but I did; and as I rolled down the windows to scrape off the ice on my side view mirror, I yelled one last time: "You're beautiful!" I mean, why not?! I was never going to see him again! And he WAS. He should know, in case he doesn't already. Shoot. He's probably engaged or something. Oh well.
I know I may have many pet peeves that others may call "silly" but at least they're LOGICAL. And there is one place that tends to piss me off more than any other place. The airport (pre-security). And it's not the actual structure of the building. It's the situations I'm forced to be in because of it. To sum up: I love every thing about and airport except for the people traveling. Make sense? Probably not. Maybe my anger isn't as logical and well-placed as I thought. Hmmm well let me help you understand by giving you advice on what NOT to do in an airport.
1. Don't come if you don't know your flight itinerary.Plan ahead.
2. If it is your first time flying, read up or look up what it's gong to be like so you don't get lost or take up other's time
3. The airport is a BUSY place. If you're claustrophobic, it might not be the best place for you. Especially once you get on the plane.
4. Don't joke about bombs.
5. Personal space is still a thing. Respect it.
6. move quickly.
7.walk on the RIGHT SIDE
9. Don't take the moving sidewalk if you're planning on taking up all the space. The sign says you STAND on the right so people can PASS on your left.
10. Don't sing. I don't care if you are Mariah Carey and think you've earned the right.
If there is one thing I hate it is rude people. And most of the time people aren't rude intentionally. But if you are ignorant of another person's situation or think you know everything in the world, we will have a tough time getting along.
I miss you!! This post had me cracking up, cheering for you and being frustrated with you!! I am so proud of you for doing the tb test and then for doing a blood draw with out warning time!! Super impressed! Love you girl!
ReplyDeleteI miss you! And I LOVE YOU TOO!! Haha thank you for the support! <3 I'm definitely getting better! :)