Thursday, February 6, 2014

Things I've Picked Up On

There are just some things people seem to be clueless about. So I made a list to address some things... mainly just to get my frustrations out.

  • stupid
  • READ. That's it. So easy.
  •  they could be injecting you with poison (and People would think you OD'd)
  • They don't like It when you run away
  • For people who are supposed to make you feel better, they're not very nice
  • Most are very scary
  • They don't like answering questions or talking to you unless they are examining your mouth
  • Wooden soles and ice DO NOT MIX
  • For some, BYU is the scholastic Olympics.
  • Many claim to "love" Disney psh.. 
  • Monte Python, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc. apply to all means of life here.
  • "freak" " mother of pearl" and "ish" are things people actually say.
  • Creamery Ice Cream >>>
example of a pickup line at BYU

  • Pick one: brutally honest or questionably quiet
  • Sometimes can't think before they speak
  • They could solve a lot of problems by listening, complementing and just saying : "yup. You're right. "
  • Add buying chocolate to that list ^
  • Boys don't like it when you say creepy things or stalk them. Weird, I know.
All other rants about Life here.

I realize that you will most likely find this information totally irrelevant to anything in your life. And for that, I apologize. #sorrynotsorry

video of the day


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