Friday, February 28, 2014

When a Flight is Delayed

So I'm currently sitting inside the mini food court that they have in the SLC Airport. And The ONE day when I have so much time to kill, there is no line at security or even check in! What is this madness!

So I bought a burrito. Why not? And it's pretty darn good. Not spicy (even though that's what it said on the menu) so I'm dumping on the hot sauce. 

And I just realized that there is a mini grand piano right in front of me.. awk.. someone should play it! And now my burrito is almost gone.. :/ worst.Feeling. ever. Maybe I can just spend the next two hours buying and eating food while I blog.. hmm... or maybe I should do something constructive..

If this burrito didn't cost me 11 bucks I would probably buy a cookie or sumthin... hahaha airport prices kill meeeee... oh well .

I realize that this is probably my fifth flight this year and I've gotten really good at wasting time in airports. So here are some tips


1. Buy a burrito ( if your airport doesn't have a place, I'm glad your leaving to go to one that does)

2. Talk to strangers ( not creepy stalker - types, but nice looking moms or people your own age. )

3. Call someone on the phone. ( I LOVE to see the reactions of those around me when I talk to someone out loud to break the silence)

4. Walk around. ( there's so much to see! Go to a random little shop and have fun! But don't spend money cuz they're over-priced. holla! )

5. Rethink why you spent so much money on a burrito . ( pshh .. what a dumb idea. ) at random people. (they hate it)

7. Make new friends ( you'll most likely never see them again, But making friends is good. Maybe I should take my own advice... )

8. Take a nap. (no one is going to steal your stuff or else the TSA would tackle them. But it's always good to keep your valuables on your person)

9. Snap Chat your friends CONSTANTLY ( they love it ;) SHOUT OUT  TO MY HOMIES: Codi, Skyler, Jo, Hannah and Becca. You're welcome )

10.Write another stupid post for your blog.

Soooo my flight just got delayed.. UPDATE : CANCELED. MY FLIGHT IS NOW FOR TOMORROW MORNING. (so I'm going to spend the night at a friends then I'm going home *finally*) sooo I think I'm going to get some gum. And sleep. so I'm going to end this here... awk...

Video of the day

Peace and Blessins' ,

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Random Thoughts...

Random thoughts? Again?! Sometimes, you just get thinking. I'm not the only one...About life; about yourself. About yourself  IN life.. and about where you were about a year ago.. yuck

I was in my Senior year of high school. Helping teachers prepare to replace me with someone else for next year. Someone would take my place in choir. Someone would take my position in student council. ugghh I remember how much I HATED that!

" The one thing you can consistently count on in life is change. " - somebody smart

Change is everywhere. Like yesterday, I decided that I didn't enjoy watching The Bachelor show anymore. Crazy, I know. But no matter how small or drastic the change; no matter how much we are resisting it, change is there.

I was never the type to accept that things were moving on. Once something is going well, I want it to stay that way. I hate taking risks or even the thought of the "future" because it leads to so much unknown.

You know what I mean? Take my Senior year in high school. Everyone seemed to expect that we all had a plan for college, careers, etc. Honestly, I took some tests, did well in school , but never wanted to apply for college. I guess we get comfortable in the way we are living.... and the fact that life demands you to move forward, kind of pissed me off. But I did it! I picked my dream school. The only school I did not receive a scholarship from. And I struggled.

Everyone seemed to get the hang of transitioning into "the real world" SO well! People left and seemed to be having amazing lives. Why was it so hard to stay afloat? Everyone from home was either getting married, in school , on a mission or becoming famous . ... I'm dead serious. But hey, I guess that's how life works.

Sometimes we struggle. Actually, that's all life really is. Life is full of changes and struggles that force us into making decisions. Those decisions and reactions, in our darkest times, determine the person we want to become. I may have struggled  throughout life, but I guess that means that I'm on a path that will make me into who I want to become. And I'm still trying to find out who that person is.

And that's O.K.

"Life "

But I'm making progress! Change isn't so bad. I just need to learn not to act so surprised when it arrives. .. oh brother...  well at least this isn't another Missionary post. I'm guessing most of you are sick of hearing me obsess over it. Oh well.. suck it up! Haha

Video of the Day

Love always,

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Feburary Moods

You know the feeling you get after Thanksgiving to burst out in Christmas carols? can't just be me...
 Or the feeling you get when school's out? Well every now and then I have the inclination to get all festive for he holidays no matter what holiday it is.

 St. Patrick's Day? Halloween? CHRISTMAS? Birthdays? (they count) President's Day? I love it all! You name a happy occasion, and I want to celebrate it.

Recently, I've come down with the Valentine-Fever. I just love, LOVE! Ya know?! And before you get all crazy, I am AWARE that my love life is non-existent. But that doesn't mean I can't celebrate love! AH! It's just so great!

So today while I was studying, like a good little girl, I realize that all of these love songs are coming up on my Pandora playlists. " What the-" It's always the music.

And then I started to like it. Correction: LOVE.IT.
So I go on Etsy to see if I can maybe buy a Banner or two and throw together a Valentine Party. "Crap. It's THIS Friday. "
So I scratch that Idea and settle for what I typically settle for: a baking party for 1! ( no one else likes to participate )

Baking is typically my way to procrastinate doing anything REALY important. Anyways... I blast my music and get started. I settle for simple shortbread cookies since baking a valentines 3 tier cake wasn't going to happen without my pans and food coloring. #collegeprobs

As I was making the cookies, I went online #multitasking . It never ceases to amaze me how many people HATE valentines day! I mean, I know I'm single. And I know that I will remain single through these next couple of valentines days(mission)....But do I care? Well.. I may care a little after reading all these sad posts. Man... but as I decorated my cookies, multiple thoughts popped into my head:

1. Cookies are really great.
2. If I had a bf, he would just EAT MY COOKIES
3. I don't want them to eat my cookies
4. Boys should make ME cookies
5. Valentines day is about love. And I love SO many things. A boyfriend just isn't one of those things right now.
6. I am a strong and independent woman. I don't need a man to "complete" me. (movie reference? Anyone?)

in honor of L.O.V.E.
Then I finished my cookies. And the pictures are fuzzy.
 yeah. my camera is broken. sorry.

People need to stop the HATE and learn to APPRECIATE.
or they will start to CONTEMPLATE why... No one likes them?? (I ran out of rhymes. Sorry Raven!)
 seriously. No one likes a hater. Except for trolls but we won't get into that...

I know, this post may have been hard for some to read. But hey, grab a movie or get on Netflix. Put on your sweats, grab that food... and just RELAX. It's a Friday night! I would say go out with your friends, but .. ya know.. I'm at BYU. Ya'll are engaged sooo... I guess I'll go drown my sorrows in ice cream...

JOKE. I'm lactose- intolerant. :P

but seriously.. ENJOY BEING IN LOVE. It's not that hard to be happy for people. Just CHOOSE to do it.

Video of the day



P.S. incase you care, I posted a more detailed description about the cookies under the "Dat's Domestic" tab.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Things I've Picked Up On

There are just some things people seem to be clueless about. So I made a list to address some things... mainly just to get my frustrations out.

  • stupid
  • READ. That's it. So easy.
  •  they could be injecting you with poison (and People would think you OD'd)
  • They don't like It when you run away
  • For people who are supposed to make you feel better, they're not very nice
  • Most are very scary
  • They don't like answering questions or talking to you unless they are examining your mouth
  • Wooden soles and ice DO NOT MIX
  • For some, BYU is the scholastic Olympics.
  • Many claim to "love" Disney psh.. 
  • Monte Python, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc. apply to all means of life here.
  • "freak" " mother of pearl" and "ish" are things people actually say.
  • Creamery Ice Cream >>>
example of a pickup line at BYU

  • Pick one: brutally honest or questionably quiet
  • Sometimes can't think before they speak
  • They could solve a lot of problems by listening, complementing and just saying : "yup. You're right. "
  • Add buying chocolate to that list ^
  • Boys don't like it when you say creepy things or stalk them. Weird, I know.
All other rants about Life here.

I realize that you will most likely find this information totally irrelevant to anything in your life. And for that, I apologize. #sorrynotsorry

video of the day
