Truth is, I've been home. Since like Mid- April. So you might be wondering what I have been up to since I left college to pursue my dreams....
Well.. first off, I went to one of my favorite places in THE WHOLE WIDE FREAKING WORLD.
if you don't know what this place is, get out. (hint: it's Disneyland. Yes. I know this pic isn't Disney land but it just so happened to be saved onto my computer for other reasons I don't care to discuss right now.)
So me and some of my best friends from BYU decided to road trip it to Cali as soon as our last finals got out.
You can say we had fun.
then I was off to LAX to fly home.
What have I been doing since?
None of your business!
okay fine.
I've been eating
NOT sleeping ( I've been trying to wake up early but I stilt tend to go to bed at morning times.. (2AM -ish))
Shopping ( not for fun things. More like bags and "sturdy" shoes AKA ugly shoes for the mission)
Stressing out. They weren't lying when they said missionary preperation is rough. I feel like the spiritual aspect of it all trumps everything though. I know It will all work out in the end and that the Lord is in charge. it is all just coming so fast! wish me luck!
peace and blessins'